Marketing Strategy Implementation Through Data Analytics

Experience and Capabilities:

With nearly 30 years of industry experience, our data analytics and predictive modeling services help clients quickly analyze their marketing programs to understand what works and doesn’t.

  • Analytics and Predictive Modeling: Utilizing advanced machine learning techniques, we give clients a deeper understanding of their customers and prospects – whom to reach out to, what products and offers they are interested in, which messaging channels are most effective, when, and how often to communicate – allowing clients to maximize the effectiveness of their marketing spend.
  • Data Processing and Warehousing: Successful campaigns begin with clean, accurate data. Put our decades of experience in data processing and warehousing to your advantage. For over two decades, we have worked as a database marketing service provider for several Fortune 500 clients. This experience includes data cleansing and standardization and designing, building, and implementing marketing data warehouses. With the increasing need for harnessing big data, we can help clients design and implement efficient warehouses that can deliver results quickly and accurately.​
  • Campaign Management: We manage the complete cycle of online and offline marketing campaigns, including data sourcing, test design, campaign selection, and results attribution. Specifically, we can manage database marketing tasks starting with data preparation (data sourcing, data standardization, merge/purge), scoring and segmentation, campaign selection and production, and results from attribution and analysis. We also provide a competitive advantage for clients by leveraging the data to build predictive models and formulate successful and sustainable marketing strategies.
  • Strategic Consulting: Our consulting experience spans numerous industries, from insurance and financial services to publishing, online retail, telecommunications, non-profits, and more. We believe in close and long-lasting partnerships with our clients through open and constant communication, knowledge, and data optimization to maximize results and increase a client’s marketing ROI. Our goal is to provide clients with a sustainable competitive advantage through the extensive and masterful use of data and technology. Our experience across various industries gives us unique insights that clients can leverage to understand their customers better and optimize their marketing programs.

What evidence do we have of prior performance and, which industries do we currently serve, at what volume?

  • Multiple financial services clients, millions of mail pieces per month
  • Telecommunications – millions of mail pieces per month
  • Political – Models built for party affiliation, voter turnout, donation likelihood, and donation amounts
  • Online Publishing – billions of emails per year
  • We work on marketing programs for multiple clients that send several million mail pieces a month. We also work with these clients on their digital marketing campaigns, creating reports showing the multi-channel approach’s effects.

Examples of recent projects include:

  • Marketing response and approval models for a financial services company – replaced the client’s existing response model with a more predictive response model, then also built an approval model so that the client can identify high-responding prospects that are more likely to be approved and converted.
  • Marketing response and lifetime value models for a telecommunications company – replaced the client’s existing response model with a more predictive response model and built a lifetime value model so that the client markets to high responding, high profitability prospects.
  • Analytics and modeling for a publishing client, where we built and implemented a model that identified prospects more likely to subscribe to the client’s newsletters. Leveraging historical transaction data and recent email click and open activity, the model segmented 10% of the population, accounting for almost 90% of sales. Conversely, the model recognized the worst 35% of the people that brought in less than 1% of sales, giving the client a powerful tool to achieve massive cost savings.

How are Quality Controls applied to campaigns?

  • Every campaign is rigorously tracked and managed, with every step documented in a comprehensive quality control reporting process. An all-encompassing QC report is produced for each process that includes quantity audits, variable profiles, and historical comparisons.

How can we connect for an assessment and pricing and initiate a Proof of Concept with data sampling?

Please email us at

  • Depending on your needs, here is what we’d like to know:
    • Current marketing campaign volumes and cadence?
    • What are the results? Response rates? Conversion rates? Cost per account?
    • Are any predictive models in place?
    • What data is being used?
    • What are the selection criteria?
    • What marketing channels are used?
    • How are results attributed to the campaigns?
    • What are the goals/targets?

 In addition: We have access to demographic data across the entire USA (over 200 million+ records), with hundreds of variables. We can build data models based on your needs to go with the demographic data.